15 Baby Registry Greeting & Welcome Message Examples

Although some might think registries are only for asking for gifts, it is more than just material gifts. A baby registry is an excellent way to let others participate in celebrating the arrival of your baby.

Since the baby registry will be open to loved ones such as friends and family, it is highly recommended to have a warm registry greeting and welcome message for them to see. Not only can these registry greetings and messages let them know what you’re looking for, but they can also be used to express your heartfelt thoughts.

There are various ways of writing a baby registry greeting and welcome message. Though there are certain things that are common to most messages, they can be as unique as the babies they are for. These baby registry greetings can be as simple as they come. Many opt to talk about the nurseries to give guests an idea of what gifts to get. On the other hand, others include a special request from their loved ones to make the gifts even more special.

This article will provide you with several baby registry greeting examples to hopefully give you inspiration as to how simple yet amazing a baby registry greeting can be.

Writing Your Own Baby Registry Greeting

blank card surrounded by baby stuff

Writing your own baby registry greeting can be a heartfelt act of expressing your emotions to your loved ones. There is no wrong way to go about writing one. Some people focus on how excited they are for the arrival of the baby. Some focus on how grateful they are to everyone involved. Some would even focus on what gifts they are looking for.

Although there are various ways to write a baby registry greeting, there are some things that are commonly added. These include the following:

  • Gratitude
  • The baby’s gender
  • The baby’s name
  • Nursery details
  • Gift preferences
  • Excitement

If you want to read more on how to write your own baby registry greeting, you can do so here.

Baby Registry Greeting Examples

Although you would probably have to write one of your own, there is nothing wrong with looking at examples to get inspiration for when you finally get to write your own baby registry greeting. Here are some examples worth checking out.

Simple Baby Registry Greeting Examples

The fastest route from one point to another is a straight line. More often than not, a simple baby registry greeting is more than enough. Realistically, loved ones who visit the registry are already willing to participate regardless of the greeting. Thus, you cannot go wrong with a simple baby registry greeting. Here are some examples that lean more on the side of simplicity:

  1. Thank you everyone for visiting our little Jeremy’s registry. We cannot thank you enough for your overwhelming generosity and support. We are currently getting the nursery ready for the baby’s arrival, and we’d greatly appreciate the following items.
  2. Welcome to Anna’s online baby registry. Although many of you are so far away, your support and love can be felt all the way here. The registry contains all the basics we’d need for when little Anna comes into our lives. We greatly appreciate any support.”
  3. There is nothing we would appreciate more than your presence at the baby shower. If you’re wondering what to get for baby Josh, we have prepared a registry of the things we could badly use. Any amount of support and generosity is highly appreciated as we are extremely excited for our lives to change.”
  4. Hi, friends and family! We hope you’re as excited as we are for the arrival of our latest bundle of joy, baby Ashley. As her older sisters will be sharing what they have, we won’t be needing much. However, if you want to join us and celebrate baby Ashley or want to get her some things, here are some things that we DO need!”
  5. Welcome! Our due date approaches and our excitement grows evermore. As many of you know, we have decided to keep the baby’s gender a secret to everyone – including us. As such, we would greatly appreciate gender-neutral gifts.”

You may have noticed that simple baby registry greetings can look significantly different from one another. This makes sense since people writing these are different too. However, there are some characteristics that are common in all these examples, though they may be simple.

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A simple baby registry greeting begins with a welcome greeting of some sort. Any form of welcome can help lead the reader to the body of the message. A welcome message also helps make the greeting warmer.

Next, most people like showing their gratitude in the registry. Your loved ones are going out of their way to support you and your baby with gifts. The least you could do is thank them for their generosity.     

Lastly, you could mention something about the gifts you actually want to receive. Some people add an explanation as to why they are including certain items in the registry. For example, one of the greetings above asked for gender-neutral gifts since they do not know the gender of their baby yet. Something as simple as this can help make a story around the registry.

Nursery Details Registry Greeting Examples

baby nursery

A common way to format a baby registry greeting is by adding details about your nursery. The nursery will be the baby’s room for the first few years of their life. Thus, the gifts being bought for the baby will most probably reside in the nursery.

Adding details about the nursery can help inform your loved ones what gifts you are looking forward to receiving. The last thing your guests want to do is buy a gift that you would not appreciate.

Thus, do not feel as if adding nursery details can make you sound picky or selfish. In fact, your loved ones will highly appreciate you letting them know so that they have an idea of what to get.

Here are some examples of baby registry greetings that include nursery details:

  1. “Welcome, everyone! This is baby Tony’s registry. We thank each and every one of you for sharing your excitement with us. We have decided to decorate Tony’s nursery with an under-the-sea theme. Thus, we are graciously asking for underwater-themed gifts. Honestly, anything blue will do!”
  2. “Thank you everyone for stopping by our online baby registry. We hope you are as excited as we are to welcome Mary into our lives. As you know, we are huge fans of Pixar films. Thus, we have decided to decorate Mary’s nursery with all things Pixar-related! Anything is welcome as we’d appreciate any amount of support and generosity, but if you have an option for something related to your favorite Pixar film, we’d love that too!”
  3. “Thank you everyone for visiting our baby registry. It’s been a long wait but it won’t be long now until we get to introduce you all to our little Jef. We were thinking of making his room fantasy-themed. Aside from the basics, we’re hoping for gifts that will transport our loved one into the very pages of fantasy tales. Imagine your favorite fantasy setting such as Narnia or Middle-Earth. Hopefully, this would make our Jef grow up believing in magic in the world.”
  4. “Hi, everyone! Welcome to the registry we’ve set up for our dear Mark. We’re all very excited with his arrival and we’re extremely grateful for you showing your generosity and support. As you know, Mark’s father is an avid comic book fan. This has made us decide to give Mark his very own Batcave – a Batman-themed nursery. This means a lot of black-colored items and possibly, Batman-themed gifts as well. Maybe he’ll grow up to be a Dark Knight too!”
  5. “Welcome to Steph’s baby registry. We’d first like to express how grateful we are to have such wonderful people in our lives. If you’re wondering what you could get little Steph, our nursery will be a garden. This means that it will be a colorful haven and we will be putting up decorative flowers as well.”

As you can see, talking about how the nursery will be decorated can be a great help to your loved ones in deciding what to get for your baby. Even just mentioning a theme can be enough to give your guests an idea of what gifts to look for.

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While a themed nursery can be fun, make sure to make the theme something easy for your guests to contribute to. For example, a flower-themed nursery can be much easier to contribute to compared to a Batman-themed nursery just because there are more flower-themed items in the market.

Additionally, a more general theme can be expounded on by the guests. For example, maybe some guests might have difficulty looking for gifts that can fit a fantasy-themed nursery compared to an underwater-themed nursery. These are just some considerations to make.

Special Baby Registry Greeting Examples

mom holding her baby

Lastly, there are some baby registry greetings that include something unique, something special. This can vary from couple to couple, but some baby registry greetings include special requests that can make the entire affair a touch more personal. Here are some examples of special baby registry greetings:

  1. “Hey, everyone! Welcome to our baby Michael’s registry. We highly look forward to introducing him to all of you. While all your gifts and support are much appreciated, we would like to humbly request that all gifts be eco-friendly. As you all know, we are staunch advocates for the environment. Therefore, it is important that we surround our Michael with things that won’t hurt the planet. We hope this isn’t too much to ask for!”
  2. “We would like to welcome you to the registry of baby Tom. As you can see, our registry is mainly composed of the basics that we’d need around the nursery. However, we would like to ask for something more. We are hoping that each of our guests writes a letter to Tom that we can read to him on his 18th birthday. We’re sure that he would love to hear from all of you as you are all incredibly important to us.”
  3. “It is with great excitement that our baby Kat will be finally joining us in a few weeks! As the due date arrives, more and more of our loved ones are asking for our registry so we’ve finally made one. We don’t want much since we’re sure that you’ll all be a big part of our lives to come. Aside from the basic baby necessities, we do have one request: your favorite book. We are planning to make a library filled with the favorite books of all the important people in our lives. Hopefully, this library will then remind Kat of all the people who have her back when she grows up.”
  4. “The due date approaches and it won’t be long before our family grows by one more member. We would like to thank everyone for expressing their intentions of supporting our baby Keith by getting him some gifts. We don’t have anything specific in our registry, but we do have a special request. We would like you all to take a picture of yourselves with the gift you chose. These pictures will be placed on a board in the nursery to remind us of everyone who wanted to be a part of this journey.”
  5. “Welcome to the registry of our little John. We are extremely grateful for the support and love you’ve all given us throughout this journey. We would like to include you all in this adventure by asking for secondhand or hand-me-down gifts – items you won’t need anymore but think we can use. There’s no need to spend a lot of money on baby items that will only be used for a few years. Plus, your items will make this even more personal.”

As exemplified by the greetings above, special requests do not have to be elaborate or expensive. These special requests are made to make the gifts even more special to the baby.

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